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  • leezeltanglao

Tayo Help provides reliable information for Filipino community

More than 10 months ago, no one could have predicted we would be in the middle of a deadly global pandemic.

As an alum of the Filipino Young Leaders Program (FYLPRO), we knew could do more.

So in May, we put our heads together came up with an idea and went for funding.

By the fall of 2020, we were able to secure $25,000 Innovation grant from the Booz Allen Foundation.

We launched a pilot in Los Angeles targeting the most vulnerable in our community: seniors, frontliners and the unemployed.

We launched in October and so far the impact has been big. We've been able to roll out with Filipino language translations of more than 100 questions and with more to come.

We're looking for more funding to expand our project to other cities but this is the first step in helping our kababayans during this time of crisis.

Here's all the earned press on the project so far:

October 15, 2020 - ABC7 - Filipinos at risk in pandemic will get help from new website

October 26, 2020 - Sharing with KTLA’s Cher Calvin

October 28, 2020 - CBS2 - Online Help Desk Provides COVID19 Information For Filipino Community

November 10, 2020 - Torrance CitiCable (at the 16:03 mark)

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