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  • Lino F. Caringal Jr.

My PETS Impressions from a New Attendee

Together with our 600 President Elect classmates from 7 districts of California, Nevada and Arizona of the Southwest, we are ready to serve, make a difference and impact lives. It will be a great Rotary Year!

We wish our Orange County based Global Kalinga e-Rotary Club, Quezon City District 3780 well on this journey.

Coffee break with Rotary International President Holgar Knaack.

Rotarians ask volunteers to join us. We ask, “What's your passion? Why join Rotary?”

With the incoming PETS Chairman

Atty. Craig Needham, "Be kind, be generous with your time and enjoy precious moments of the renowned speakers during the training.

"Rotary's law is the four-way test. My verdict to Rotarians' fight to end polio and other diseases is - you have fulfilled the law"

- Atty. Craig Needham, whose mother Jane Boyle Needham was stricken with polio when Craig was young, never walked again and lived on a metal lung. Before dying in 1962, Jane molded Craig with her unconditional love.

Water is life. Rotary sustains life.

ShelterBox works with Rotary International to save lives in many depressed areas and calamity stricken regions of the globe.

Southwest PETS 2020 on its last day, with speakers Rotary International President Elect Holgar Knaack of Germany and Rotary International Vice President and Director Johrita Solari of USA

After the day long seminar , we head to the hospitality lounge and fellowship with Rotarians.

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